Orbot: Tor for Android

Orbot: Tor for Android

A free proxy app using the Tor network

The Tor Project

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Orbot: Proxy with Tor is an app that routes all your Internet traffic via the famous Tor network, which completely masks your identity when you browse the web.

Lo bueno
Can protect the privacy of some apps and not others.
Provides a more secure connection than any other app.
Lo malo
The connection is slow due to how the Tor system works.
Revisado por
Ibrahim Mohammed
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Orbot is probably the only app that creates a truly private Internet connection, as reported by some newspapers, including the New York Times.

To provide user privacy, the app relies on the Tor proxy network, which won the 2012 Electronic Frontier Foundation Award, an organization interested in defending civil rights in the digital world.

What is the Tor system or The Onion Router?

Tor is a free and open network program that helps you bypass networks that monitor all your online data and threaten your personal privacy, confidential work activities, relationships, and other things you do in the online world.

Features of Orbot: Proxy with Tor

  • Orbot is the safe way to use the Internet on the Android system, it disperses your encrypted data several times and distributes it to several computers around the world instead of establishing a direct connection as a VPN connection.
  • Safe Internet surfing, the app works with browsers and transfers all communications to anonymous, and you can access any site, even if it is blocked or monitored in your country.
  • Gives privacy to apps, you can use the Tor encoder with any app to make communication through it protected from monitoring, browse Twitter or Facebook and other apps more securely.
  • Provides protection for all users, Tor helps you protect your research and keep it confidential and unmonitored.

Orbot: Proxy with Tor app

The interface of the app is very simple. When you run the app, you will see the STARTand the BROWSEbutton next to it.

By pressing the start button, the app will activate its service on the device and will protect all apps from being monitored on the Internet.

By swiping from the left side of the screen, a side menu will appear that contains several options.

  • App VPN Mode option: To turn on the encryption and protection service for some apps only, and by activating it, you will see all the apps loaded on your device, you can choose the apps you want.
  • Bridge option: If your local network is blocking Tor, turn on this option to bypass the blocking. You can also change the location of the service between several different countries around the world.

Orbot: Proxy with Tor app is one of the most powerful apps in terms of protection and personal privacy.

It relies on the famous Tor encryption in this field and has won international awards. It provides a service to run the service on some apps only and many more features.

Download the app in its latest version Orbot: Proxy with Tor 17.3.2-RC-1-tor- for free via Downzen by clicking the download button.

Información adicional

  • Versión
  • Última actualización
  • Descargas
  • Licencia
  • Tamaño
  • Requiere
    Android 4.1+