KeeWeb is a free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass.
Desktop apps for all platforms
Desktop apps look beautiful on each platform: macOS, Windows and Linux. You can open local files in Desktop apps.
Offline web app
Web version has almost all features available in desktop apps. It doesn't require any installation and works in all modern browsers.
Switch between dark and light theme, whichever you like more.
Color favorites
Mark items with color and easily find them using Colors tab.
Multiple files support
Open several files, search any entry or view all items from all files as one list.
One search for all files
Search works for all files, everything is done from one search box.
Dropbox sync
Open files from Dropbox, sync changes across devices automatically.
Easy tags input
Add tags to arrange entries. Quickly select them in the list or add new ones.
Drop entry attachments and database files right to the app.
Protected fields
Fields can be hidden when you need it. Also they will be stored in memory in more secure way than usual fields.
Password generator
Generate passwords of any desired length, with only symbols you want.
Offline access
Files are saved for offline use, even those opened from Dropbox. You can always access offline version, changes will be synced automatically when you are online again.
Access actions faster with shortcuts.
Advanced search options
Refine search by specifying fields, searching passwords, history and using powerful regular expressions syntax.
All changes you make are put to history. You can rollback to any state or delete the state completely.
Mobile browsers support
View details and copy passwords using mobile browsers.
Entry icons
Select an icon from the set of predefined high-res icons, download website favicon or use your own icons.
Table view
Switch between list and table layout.
Inline image viewer
Attach images to entries and click to view.
Auto update
Desktop apps can update themselves. There are several options: update and install, show a notification or disable update at all.
The app is completely free: no trials, no demo versions, no limits. There's no catch. Even more: you can always build it from sources yourself. The source code is available on GitHub.
Información adicional
- Versión1.12.3
- Última actualización2019-11-07
- Descargas345
- LicenciaGratis
- Tamaño45.7MB
- RequiereWindows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
- CategoríaInternet Browsers and Plugins/ Connection