Collect by WeTransfer

Collect by WeTransfer

Keep all your favorite things in one place

WeTransfer BV

Note de Downzen
Note des utilisateurs

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Keep all your favorite things in one place
WeTransfer app allows you to keep all your favorite things in one place. Add photos, videos, texts, or anything you come across on your phone or the internet that you want to save. Organize saved items into different boards and easily share them with friends online.

Alternatives à Collect by WeTransfer

Aucune alternative trouvée pour ce système d'exploitation!
Aucune alternative trouvée pour ce système d'exploitation!

Tableau de comparaison

AmpMe - Speaker Booster
AmpMe - Speaker Booster
Apk Extractor
Apk Extractor
Apk Share Bluetooth - Send/Backup/Uninstall/Manage
Apk Share Bluetooth - Send/Backup/Uninstall/Manage
Collect by WeTransfer
Collect by WeTransfer
Connect Drive
Connect Drive


Share Link

SHAREit: Transfer, Share Files

WiFi File Transfer

Xender Share Music&Video Status Saver Transfer

Zapya File Transfer, Share Apps & Music Playlist
La descriptionKeep all your favorite things in one placePartager des fichiers et des apps via WiFiThe fastest way to transfer files between different devicesTo send apps and files quickly to phones
Le positif
        • Adding important items directly from any other app.
        • Organizing items into multiple boards.
        • Ability to share items with friends online.
              • Gratuit et facile à utiliser.
              • Disponible sur les systèmes d'exploitation Android et Windows. Des taux de transfert élevés via WiFi sans qu'il soit nécessaire de se connecter à Internet.
              • Transfer files quickly between phones.
              • Fast connection between sender and receiver phones.
              • Send multiple types of files at the same time.
              • Supports file transfer between iPhone and Android phones.
                • Managing the phone from the computer via a wireless network.
                • the fast and distinctive phone copy feature.
                • support for sending to iPhones.
                  Le négatif
                        • It doesn't support previewing audio files.
                              • Le développement est interrompu, ne vous attendez donc pas à des mises à jour.
                              • Many annoying notifications come from the application.
                                • Annoying ads on the main interface.
                                  Note de Downzen4.
                                  Note des utilisateurs5.
                                  Dernière mise à jour2023-11-012020-08-162019-10-202022-05-122019-06-242017-07-152017-11-162019-03-162024-09-062016-06-092021-03-292021-04-12
                                  Nécessite une connexioninconnueinconnueinconnueinconnueinconnueinconnueinconnueinconnueinconnueinconnueinconnueinconnue