AIDA64 Extreme

AIDA64 Extreme

Display computer specs accurately

FinalWire Ltd.

Note de Downzen
Note des utilisateurs

AIDA64 Extreme to know everything about your computer hardware, know the details of the main parts of the computer with accurate information, and test the performance of the parts to find out their true capability.

Le positif
Display computer specs in a very organized manner.
Computer performance testing.
Supports exporting information and saving it.
Le négatif
Some specs and information are not available in the trial version.
Noté par
Ibrahim Mohammed
Note des critiques

Computer specs 

It is very important to know the specs of your computer, whether to find out its compatibility with programs and games, or to perform maintenance or development.

Although the Windows system gives information about the hardware specs, it is not enough for those who are looking for detailed and arranged information about their computer.

How the program works

The program provides accurate and valuable information about everything related to computer hardware and specs, such as: the operating system, system components, installed programs, etc., in addition to benchmarking the performance of the hardware in general and providing detailed performance reports.

A simple and organized interface

AIDA64 Extreme displays huge information about computer specs; the program pays attention to the arrangement of the information, sorting it into main categories and subcategories for easy access.

Sections of information

The user can find out all the detailed information about the computer, such as accurate readings of the sensors, temperatures, speed of fans.

We will now learn about some categories of basic information in the program:

  • Computer: A comprehensive and brief summary of computer specs, settings for power and battery options in the laptop, and the temperatures of the various sensors in the computer.
  • Motherboard: Information about processor specs, speeds and capabilities, motherboard model, RAM size and speed, BIOS type and version, various types of chips in the motherboard, and their specs.
  • The operating system: Information about the version of the operating system and the date it was installed, the processes and services that are currently running in the background, and the names of the drivers installed.
  • Display: Information about graphics cards, their types and models, display screen specs, size, resolution, and many more.
  • Storage: Information about storage disks such as HDD and SSD, their capacities and manufacturers, details of total and used storage space, the temperature of the storage disk, and its total usage time.
  • Installed software: Information about all programs installed in the operating system, programs and services that run automatically at system startup, file types, and default programs.

Computer parts performance-testing tools 

In addition to providing information about computer specs, AIDA64 Extreme can test the performance of different components, to know the true capabilities of parts that process data in the computer.

Test storage disk

Know the maximum speeds for reading and writing data on the storage disk, and if you have more than one storage disk then select the disk you want to test, there are several tests that can be done as needed.

Test RAM

Test the performance of the RAM and processor's cache, the read, write, copy, and response speeds are tested, and also show general information about the processor, RAM, and motherboard.

Test processor and graphics card

Compare the performance between a computer processor and a graphics card processor in several tests, such as copying, writing, reading, and some other tests, and then display a comprehensive report about the performance test.

Features of AIDA64 Extreme

  • Views all computer specs in detail.
  • Simple and easy-to-use interface.
  • Arranges information into main categories and subcategories.
  • Tools to test the performance of the processor, graphics card, and storage disks.
  • Shows information about temperature, speed, and other sensors.
  • Exports the information to a text file or a web page.

You can download the program to know the specs of the computer in detail, AIDA64 Extreme6.75.6100 in its latest version from Downzen for free from the download section of the page.

Informations complémentaires

  • Version
  • Dernière mise à jour
  • Téléchargements
  • Licence
  • Taille
  • Nécessite
    Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11