Euro Truck Simulator

Euro Truck Simulator

Truck Driving Simulation Game Part 1 for PC


Note de Downzen
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Truck Driving Simulation Game Part 1 for PC
Euro Truck Simulator, in its first part, is a truck driving simulation game where you accept various requests to transport cargo between cities and countries in Europe. Earn a lot of money to buy better trucks, follow traffic rules while driving, and customize your own truck.

Alternatives à Euro Truck Simulator

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Aucune alternative trouvée pour ce système d'exploitation!

Tableau de comparaison

Euro Truck Simulator
Euro Truck Simulator
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Euro Truck Simulator 2
La descriptionTruck Driving Simulation Game Part 1 for PCThe best truck driving and cargo transport simulator game
Le positif
  • Translation: "Works on low specifications despite high-quality graphics.
  • Three-dimensional design for the gameplay area.
  • Fantastic and realistic control tools for driving the truck.
  • Full control over the way you drive the truck in more than one method.
  • Realistic truck driving simulation and attention to detail.
  • Huge gameplay map that includes many cities in Europe.
  • Supports listening to your favorite songs from within the game.
Le négatif
  • The trial period for the game is very short.
  • The viewing angle cannot be moved in some camera angles.
Note de Downzen4.74.5
Note des utilisateurs4.54.3
Dernière mise à jour2020-07-012020-05-27
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