

Information about nearby wireless networks

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Homedale to know everything about the wireless networks surrounding you, know the names of the nearby networks, the strength, and quality of the signal, the type of encryption, and other important information related to wireless networks.

Le positif
Supports scanning of all types of wireless networks.
Views comprehensive information about the wireless network.
The information is automatically updated.
Le négatif
Wireless networks cannot be put in favorites.
Noté par
Ibrahim Mohammed
Note des critiques

Wireless network scanning software

Reliance on wireless networks is increasing day by day, and there are usually many wireless networks surrounding you, the networks differ from each other in strength, encryption, and some features, and through Homedale, you can view these networks and learn more about them.

How the program works

The program can scan the wireless networks surrounding you, and display a lot of information about these networks, such as the name, signal strength, type of router, etc., and this gives the user an idea of the surrounding networks.

Support all types of wireless networks

The program works with all wireless networks of the type 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax, and it can identify networks with a frequency of 2.4GH or 5GH, this means that it is possible to check all types of networks without problems.

Installing the program on Windows

The program does not need to be installed on Windows and works directly when you run it. When you download the program, it comes in a zip file, and you will need WinRAR or 7-zip to extract the data from the zip file.

A simple user interface

The program has a simple interface that fits the information it displays, and it is a single window with many tabs so that it is easy to move between the program sections very quickly.

View the list of current networks

The most important information provided by the program is the list of wireless networks, from which you can know everything about the network in all respects, with the ability to customize the display of information to suit your need and hide the information you do not want.

Wireless network information

The list of wireless networks is displayed in an organized table, and next to each network there is a lot of information related to it such as the MAC address, name of the router manufacturer, signal strength, type of password encryption, first and last appearance of the network on the computer and many more.

Detailed network information

When you double-click on any network, a new window will open, containing detailed information about the network you have chosen, this information is related to network professionals and the average users may find it difficult to understand.

Additional information for checking networks

Besides displaying the list of nearby wireless networks, there is a lot of information provided by the program, and the additional information is sorted into several tabs, each of which has a function to display wireless network information in a different way.

Wireless signal graph

You can add some wireless networks to the graph, and the RF status will be added during a specific time, in order to show how stable the signal and its strength changes over time, you can combine several networks to display in the graph at the same time.

Frequency channels usage

To display the interference between the signals of all wireless networks, and display the networks with their strong and weak signals in one place, the frequency broadcast on any channel is displayed to find out which networks are compatible with your router.

Automatic data update

The program supports the automatic data update feature, where all information is constantly updated within seconds, and you can choose the duration in seconds in which the automatic update is done, or stop this feature and make the update be done manually.

Homedale Features

  • A great program to check wireless networks around you.
  • Supports all types of networks and different broadcast frequencies.
  • Views all details related to wireless networks.
  • Ability to control the display of some network information.
  • Simulates the signal strength of networks in a graph.
  • Displays frequencies and signal broadcasting channels for all networks.
  • Automatic data update to monitor networks constantly.
  • Saves all wireless network information in a CSV file.

You can download the surrounding networks monitoring software and see all the information related to them, Homedale 2.02 in its latest version from Downzen for free from the download section of the page. 

Informations complémentaires

  • Version
  • Dernière mise à jour
  • Téléchargements
  • Licence
  • Taille
  • Nécessite
    Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11