

The safe search engine


Downzen rating
Users rating

DuckDuckGo is an Internet search engine similar in function to Google, but what makes it special is that it does not store any personal information about its users to sell to advertisers. The search engine allows users to search for web, images, videos and news queries.

The good
Private search engine.
No ads.
Advanced search.
The bad
Search by image is not supported.
Reviewed by
Ammar Kurd
Reviewer rating

    DuckDuckGo was founded in 2008 with an emphasis on protecting the personal information of its users. Today the search engine is included in some famous web browsers such as Mozilla's Firefox and Apple's Safari as an optional search engine and is the default search engine for the Tor browser.

    Not like other Internet search engines, DuckDuckGo does not follow its users to track their activities on the Internet, track their physical location, log their personal information in their servers or show them ads.

    Visit DuckDuckGo and start using this service if want your privacy back. Just click the download button above to be redirected to the website directly via Downzen .

    Additional information

    • Last update
    • Downloads
    • License
    • Requires
      Web browser