Accurate computer specs and performance monitoring


Note de Downzen
Note des utilisateurs

HWiNFO program to know everything about your PC's specs, view the comprehensive or detailed summary of hardware specs as you wish, and export the specs to a file.

Le positif
Displays specs in a short or detailed manner.
Monitors devices' temperatures and speeds.
Saves all specs to a file in many formats.
Le négatif
When opening the program in summary mode, the sensors cannot be accessed.
Noté par
Ibrahim Mohammed
Note des critiques

Computer and Hardware specs 

Sometimes we need to know the specs of a computer component in detail, for several reasons, including searching for a driver of a device or replacing it in case of malfunctions or other issues.

Also to know the capabilities of a hardware device to compare with another device, etc.

Windows has a built-in utility to display the specs of the computer, but it is very limited, so you may need to use an external program like HWiNFO to know everything about the hardware and all the specs of your computer in detail.

Program installation on Windows

You can download HWiNFO for PC with a fast and direct link by visiting the download section on this page, the file size is small. To start the installation process, open the downloaded file on your Windows system. 

The installation process is simple. During the installation process, you can change the program folder on the system and choose the name of the shortcut, or you can leave everything as it is and continue with the steps.

Setting the program's options

When you launch the program, a small window will appear to control what will be opened. You can Runthe program directly or run Summary-only mode or Sensors-only mode, where specs information can be displayed in more than one way in the program.

Open the Settingsto change the program’s options in terms of the interface settings, management of drivers, the way the program performs in the system, etc.

Specs information in a concise and simple manner

One of the ways to display the specs is the System Summary, in which the computer specs are displayed in a somewhat short way, similar to the interface of the CPU-Z program for PC, where the most important computer components are displayed, namely the processor, RAM, graphics card, storage disks and media, and operating system.

All these specs are displayed in a single window, with the ability to expand some components to view their specs, such as multiple graphics cards and multiple RAM parts as well.

Detailed specs

It is another more detailed way to display the hardware specs. It displays the specs in the form of categories and sub-categories and treats them as a folder tree, click on any of the specs in the main or sub-categories, and all specs will be displayed in detail for the selected device.

In the details section, you can click on the part model to take you to the part's web page, or right-click on any line to copy its content and search for it on the Internet.

Monitor various sensors

Computers contain many sensor devices that measure several things, such as temperatures, speeds, voltages, and many more. From the program interface, click on "Sensors" to open the sensor monitoring window.

From this window, you can real-time monitor the temperatures of the processor, motherboard, and graphics card, as well as the frequencies of all cores of the processor in real-time, or the remaining battery charge, voltage, and charge percentage in a laptop.

Features of HWiNFO for PC

  • Displays all the specs of any computer in detail.
  • Lite and easy to install on the system.
  • Displays specs in a concise interface.
  • Displays the computer hardware specs in a more detailed way.
  • Monitors the performance of all computer sensors in real time.
  • Exports computer specs data to a file in several formats.
  • Copy any part of the specs to search for it on the Internet.

You can download the program to know the specs of the computer in detail, HWiINFO 7.00 in its latest version from Downzen for free from the download section of the page.

Informations complémentaires

  • Version
  • Dernière mise à jour
  • Téléchargements
  • Licence
  • Taille
  • Nécessite
    Windows 7+