The detailed specs of the PC hardware


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CPU-Z is used to know the specs of your PC hardware, including the model of the processor, motherboard, graphics card, and other peripherals, and it benchmarks the performance with other popular processors, and it can also export the specs data.

The good
Arranges the information in tabs for easy viewing.
Benchmarks/compares the performance of the processor with that of other processors.
Exports specs information to a text file.
The bad
It doesn't display information about the laptop battery.
Reviewed by
Ibrahim Mohammed
Reviewer rating

PC Specs and benchmarking utility

Many users rely on CPU-Z utility to know the hardware specs of their computers, including, but not limited to, CPU, GPU, and other peripherals.

Although Windows provides a built-in program to know the specifications of the computer, it can only provide basic information.

You don't have to be a professional computer user to know the detailed hardware specs, all you need to do is run the CPU-Z utility to view all the detailed specs and information you need about your PC.

Download and installation of CPU-Z

CPU-Z doesn't require a lot of disk space, its size doesn't exceed 2 MB. You can download CPU-Z for PC by following the link on the download section on this page.

Then open the program setup file to start the installation process. The installation steps are very simple like any other program, during which you choose the destination directory, whether to create a shortcut on the desktop, etc., you can leave the default options and proceed to finish the installation.

If you have an Android phone, you can take advantage of the CPU-Z service, as it also works on smartphones and gives valuable and useful information about the phone’s specs such as screen size, resolution, internal memory size, processor type, and many more. Find the CPU-Z Android version.

CPU-Z user interface

The user interfaceCPU of CPU-Z is minimal but rich in useful information, which is arranged and displayed in multiple tabs for easy access. Each tab displays information about a specific part of the computer, such as the processor, RAM, motherboard, etc.

The computer may contain more than one hardware of the same type such as graphic cards and RAM, the program supports switching between devices of the same type to know the specs of each separately.

Detailed information about your PC

We will briefly explain the different hardware specs that CPU-Z obtains and shows detailed information about:

  • Processor (CPU): Displays the name, type, model, speed, number of cores, and their speed.
  • Processor cache: Displays the size of the processor's cache at each level.
  • Video graphics card (VGA): Displays the graphics card name, model, manufacturer, memory size, and type.
  • Mainboard (Motherboard): Displays the motherboard's name, manufacturer, chipset type, BIOS type, and version.
  • RAM: Displays the memory size, number, and type of RAM, the frequency at which it works, and the manufacturer name.

Test your processor and compare (Benchmarking)

CPU-Z provides a feature to assess the performance of the CPU on the computer, from the Benchtab, you can test the processor to perform one process or several processes, a scoring number appears that scores the processor's performance in executing the processes.

This scoring number is used to benchmark/compare with other processors, at the bottom, and from the Referenceoption, choose the type of processor you want to compare the performance of your processor with, there are both new and old generations of processors from leading processor manufacturers like Intel and AMD.

CPU-Z features

  • Detailed information about your PC's specs.
  • Small in size and doesn't require much disk space to install.
  • Arranges specs information in tabs for easy access.
  • Views information about the hardware of the same type separately.
  • Benchmarks the processor performance with other popular processors.
  • Ability to export all the specs information to a text file.

You can download the free program to know all the specs of your PC in a neat and easy-to-handle view, CPU-Z 2.01 with the latest version from Downzen for free by clicking on the download button on this page.

Additional information

  • Version
  • Last update
  • Downloads
  • License
  • Size
  • Requires
    Windows, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10